Your Joke is Lame, Douche Bag

I'm not sure why anyone continues to make this plainly overused (and extremely lame) joke in the first place, but I believe there are at least two motivations. First, there is the individual who spots two people together wearing similar outfits and almost feels embarrassed if they don't acknowledge it in some manner. This person has heard "the line" delivered so many times that they believe they are fulfilling their social duty by delivering it so everyone can move beyond the issue and onto normal conversation. These same people alternate using "the line" with the equally annoying but less biting comment, "Hey, you two are twins today!"
An altogether different motivation lies with the "office hack," who thinks he or she can score a quick laugh by delivering the line for the thousandth time in front of a crowd of people. One could debate the moral culpability of each of these individuals for delivering this shitty joke, but such a debate is not even necessary. Say it to yourself out loud folks: "Douche bag."
I'll be the first to admit I've been the "victim" of that razor-edge "did you guys call each other" comment on more than one occassion. I think everyone can relate. In fact, I've begun a personal crusade to make this joke extinct. When confronted with "the line," I respond by saying as matter-of-factly as possible, "No, we did not call each other this morning. If we would have called each other to discuss our wardrobe, we certainly would not have made an agreement to wear the same color pants and same color shirt on the same day." In response I usually hear something like, "take it easy, it's a joke." To which I say, "Oh, really. I had never heard that one before. It's very clever." Rest assured, folks, that I've never had a repeat offender.
If you are among those who cannot resist the temptation to verbally acknowledge two individuals of the same party wearing similar outfits, by all means, go ahead and do so. But please -- pretty please -- don't be a fucking hack!
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What'd you call Jim Doe on MySpace before posting this? His blog has the same rant.
Further, I doubt Luke has every been on the receiving end of that joke.
9:42 AM
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